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Let's Visit Our Countries!



​July 13 9:00 School &  Educational Differences

Do you want to know what is it like to study in the USA and how much it differs from the Taiwanese schools ? Come check it out:)

​July 14 9:00 Immigration & Ethnic Diversity

There are all kinds of people in the USA and they come from different parts of the world. Ethnic diversity is what makes USA so colorful and special.

​July 16 10:30 & 13:30
Minnesota & Singer


I know you must be wondering, where is Minnesota ? Or you've never heard of it before.  But it's okay, come take a look with me!!


South Africa南非

​July 13 10:30
Khoisan Bushmen

The Khoisan bushmen. We will talk about the original people of Southern Africa. How they hunted, their culture and society.  They lived in a different way to us, we will look at how different their lives were.

​July 14 8:30 Local Cuisine

Explore the unique Dutch heritage of South Africa by joining teachers Jade and Donna while they make “pannekoek” in the Pancake Cafe. You’ll also be able to compare these delicious pancakes to the wonderful “Dan Bing (蛋餅)” we all know and love in Taiwan.



​July 13 14:30 Canada's Different Natural Environments

Canada’s remote north and extensive forests are home to lots of wonderful wildlife, from bears, wolves, deer, mountain lions, beavers and bighorn sheep, to smaller animals such as raccoons, otters and rabbits. The country's lakes and rivers, which contain about 20 percent of all fresh water on Earth, are full of fish such as trout and salmon. Learn more about Canada’s natural environments with us.

​July 16 11:00 Interesting Fun Facts About Canada

Some very intriguing FACTS you NEED to know about Canada!!
Don't miss it!!


​July 12 9:00 / July 16 14:30
Tourist Spots & Cuisine

Mexico is one of the most fascinating and intriguing country in the world. Today, I'm going to teach you when you travel to Mexico one day in the future, where to visit and where to eat. Because we all know that "Local Cuisine" is the most important parts of the journey.  I always tell my students that it's not called "Traveling" if you don't try local foods.  SO, come join me to explore the beauty of Mexico.



​July 15 10:00
Amazon, Rio de Janeiro

  1. Brazil is the largest country in South America and the fifth largest country in the world.

  2. The people love soccer and it is the only country that has won the Soccer World Cup 5 times.

  3. Brazil also has the Amazon rainforest - the lungs of the earth.

  4. It is a popular country for tourists. The biggest festival in the world is in Rio de Janeiro.

  5. Come and explore this fascinating country!



​July 12 14:00
Culture & Education

Have you ever thought about / wonder the education system or culture in other countries ? Do you want to experience a different / new culture which is totally different from Taiwan ?

Today is your lucky day, it's time to learn a new culture with me:)



​July 15 9:00
Animals & Landmarks

  1. Australia is a country but also a continent! It has some unique animals that no where to fund but here.

  2. It is a beautiful country, Australians love nature and sports.

  3. The landmarks of this country are absolutely stunning!



​July 12 15:00
Experimental Arts

You must be wondering, what is "Experimental Arts?" Well, one of the Germany cultures that impressed the rest of the world is "ART" What are you waiting for ?Come take a closer look. Let's experiment something 
interesting together.



​July 14 10:00
Music & Festivals 

Jamaica is a small island nation close to the United States of America.   Although it is a small country, it is famous all over the world for top athletes, music, art, coffee,and  fruit. I think it is about time to introduce some of the music to Taiwan.         



​July 12 11:00
Cultural Shocks

Pakistan is the fifth-most populous country, with a population exceeding 225.2 million, and has the world's second-largest Muslim population.  Pakistan is also an ethnic melting pot and the cultural diversity is something you need to know when you travel here. We are going to talk culture shocks that will definitely blow you mind.



​July 13 11:00
Taiwan, The Good Model

​Why Taiwan is a good model ? What is the relationship between Taiwan and Paraguay ? Come join my class, let's find out together !!


​July 14 11:00
Most Common Mistakes
About Turkish Cultures

You must heard about Turkey before, but HOW MUCH DO YOU ACTUALLY KNOW ABOUT IT? Today, I'm going to show you some common mistakes about Turkish cultures.



​July 15 11:00 Culture Shocks & Diverse Indian


India is the cradle for multiple religions.  Some people even called India "The Museum of The Religion." What makes India so special and diverse is its people.  You'd better not miss this rare special opportunity to get a better picture of India and things you never heard of before in India !

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